
I don't want this website to be "just another" coupon site for you to visit. I want you to have a PURPOSE when you come to visit this site because this is a Kingdom assignment on my life by GOD to spread the word of Christ about being better helpmates, mothers, nurturers, and stewards over our "grocery money". Someone said couponing doesn't have a direct link to the Bible, but let me give you my answer to that...Proverbs 21:20.
Coupon Mama cultivated from Leave The Jones Alone as I went to different places to speak on our strugle, sacrifice and Hallelujah moment when we became part of the "debt free" all but the house group of people. I say to you what I said to myself... "Quit trying to impress people we don't know that could careless about what we have". I realized that Couponing is something everyone can do...because we all have to eat...right? Host a class or attend one so you can learn more about Shopping. Saving. Sharing.

I also do motivational conversations, no not speeches on how to Leave The Jones Alone . I call them conversations because it is my goal that we talk back and forth about the subject at hand. If you are interested in learning more about the MISSION please contact us at Christine@CouponMama.org