Saturday, June 20, 2009

...There aren't ever any coupons in the paper I use..

If I had 15cents for everytime I hear that I would be today I thought I would try a little experiment. Leave the hair salon go to the store with no "real" intentions or plan to buy anything in particular and use my "NEWSPAPER" coupons & store coupons that so many people just throw away "Found$5" just in the parking lot as I was walking in...without using any of those SPECIAL coupons....
So no one actually purchases..Tropicana paid $1.59, no body buys strawberries, lunch meat, Swiffer, eggs, Tyson chicken,kraft cheese, cran-grape juice or carrots?

So the total was like $60...Good Lawd $60...I can eat for three I looked a little confused to CHRIS the cashier at Food Lion because he knows how I roll when it comes to paying for "groceries". So I gave him the coupons and then my MVP card...worked out OK, but would have been much better if I had planned....I spent.....$19.71 which is super high for me, but this is what I purchased...
FREE Stuff in the bag..I didn't pay a dime for the Air Wick motion starter kit (remember those $5 coupons you threw away) well they are BOGO Free at Food Lion at $9.99 that makes them $5 a piece so I purchased just one and paid ZERO...the coupon covered it!! Then I had a swiffer coupon for $2 off (they were on sale for $3.99 then I had one of the coupons you throw away that said $1 off cleaning product) oh yeah the dial was free from the paper $1 off ANY dial body wash and I purchased the travel size...last, but not least the A1 sauce coupon that was for $2 off ANY A1 sauce they are on sale 2/$4.00 two coupons makes it FREE.

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