Monday, March 8, 2010

GAME Number 2...let's FIGHT MS and win!!!

Now this one is just for FACEBOOK folks because well it is the only way to make it happen-  Sorry non-facebookers.

We have a sister in Christ that will be walking in the MS walk in Charlotte in about a week and she needs to raise a bunch of money to make this happen.  I need you to simply FRIEND her and put FIGHT MS in your message you send her.  I will in turn donate money for each entry to her walking.  Also while you are doing that go here to sign up to print all those Spring pictures you probably took this weekend or go ahead print the SNOW pictures for Easter gifts for family.  Click here to sign up for the pictures if you already signed up for the pictures this weekend see if you can't sign up a nother FRIEND or family member Cheap is good, but FREE is better!!!!

So Friend Sue Love Boulware and put FIGHT MS in your personal message. (learn more about the FIGHT) 
Sue will let me know who has FRIENDED her and we will do the drawing based on that information.
Sign up for the CVS pics

All games end 24 hours from post time.

1 comment:

Jennifer Jenkins Burrell said...

It would not let me "friend" Sue Love Boulware.. there was no add as a friend link like there normally is, but I sent her a message.