Sunday, March 7, 2010

Rite on Coupon Mama??? WOW

Yes many of you have asked in the past about Rite Aid and why I never highlight the sales and coupon matchups...and I always answer the same thing.  Because they have a lot of Rebates and I am just not a fan of later satisfaction...I like to get it when I spend it!! So because so many of you have asked I wanted to give you an option.  I know that you can go to any site and get the Rite Aid matchups, but I wanted to give you an option to get the information from a Christian who isn't ashamed of the Gospel-  Now Now don't get upset I am not claiming or judging that another site may not be Christians, but you know me I keep it REAL and I encourage you to visit sites that line up with what you and I believe in ans support people who support the message.  I don't want this be a place for coupon matchups, but for Fellowship and Praying. 

The Shop. Save. Share is not just a motto it is a lifestyle.  Just like I tell you in class Couponing can't be a FAD it has to be a Lifestyle!

So I will be introducing this new Blogger to the family later today and she will be our OFFICIAL Rite Aid blogger and go to person with any questions and answers.

Thanks for your patience, but I try to wait on God to send folks this way that will be able to bless you with good information and not (ways around the system)!

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